Commercial Bathroom Remodeling Contractors

Long Island Commercial Bathroom Remodeling Team

Straight-Line Construction has years of experience in the remodeling game and has remodeled commercial bathrooms across Long Island, New York. When you turn to us, you will have an expert team on your side that will remodel the bathroom to your standards. Upgrade your business today with our commercial bathroom remodeling services. Get a quote today for an upcoming commercial bathroom remodeling project. Fill us in on what you want completed.

Request an Estimate

For more information about our contracting services, please reach out to us today. The number for our office is 516.885.4824. When you call, we can provide you with a no-obligation consultation. On top of the commercial bathroom remodeling services we provide, you can also call upon Straight-Line Construction for home bathroom remodeling, as well as many other home renovation services like renovating basements and kitchens.

5 Reasons to Remodel Your Commercial Bathroom

For commercial building owners, remodeling the bathroom is a necessity. However, if you do not know where to begin it can be a daunting experience. The experts at Straight-Line Construction are here to help and guide you through the process. Few aspects of a commercial building date like a rundown bathroom, so a remodeling project can give the entire building a much-needed facelift. Here are 5 good reasons those with a commercial bathroom should remodel.

Saves You Money

As the owner of a business and/or commercial building, turning a profit is crucial. Remodeling a bathroom is a big upfront cost, but one that pays off over time. The newest technology is designed to save energy and reduce water, so you are saving money on utilities. You can also save money on disposable items, like water and electricity. And with new fixtures installed, maintenance fees and checks will be less which reduces costs. A new bathroom also pleases any customers. Everyone likes walking into a crisp looking bathroom.

Then there is the financial impact of going green, which is something that both employees and customers value. Many businesses and buildings are going green and moving towards sustainable remodels in an effort to save money, while also protecting the environment. There is also a strong link between green commercial buildings and sale prices.

But speaking of environmental factors...

Eco-Friendly Option

Bathroom remodeling projects are often eco-friendly and consumers more than ever want to shop at or partner with an eco-friendly business. Over the years, there have been huge advancements in bathroom fixtures in regard to water and energy efficiency. Choose from great options like sink aerators, touchless valves, and low-flow toilets are popular options. Back when older commercial bathrooms were installed, these were not common and thus more wasteful to natural resources. So a commercial bathroom remodeling project is a great chance to upgrade.

When remodeling a bathroom, there are also options for energy-efficient lighting, motion sensors, waterless urinals, and tap flow restrictors. These options are also ways to save money, but they also make a positive impact on the environment. Other considerations during remodeling projects include automatic dispensers and automatic hand dryers, which are options that are eco-friendly and are cleaner.

Cleaner Bathroom

Touchless air dryers, taps and paper towel dispensers are not just money savers or eco-friendly options, but they are also an excellent way to prevent the spread of germs. The more surfaces that require touch, the easier it is for the spread of germs. Keep everyone healthy by having sanitary conditions in your bathroom.

Appearance and Reputation

Old bathrooms look much worse than they are and age rapidly, which will hurt the reputation of any establishment. We all know places where we remember the place having a dirty bathroom. And due to that might not want to go back there again so there is no need to come across that bathroom again. When you remodel and update your commercial bathroom, that won't happen. In fact, it might almost be the opposite that happens. If you have a clean, new bathroom people might be more inclined to come by since they can trust a good bathroom experience should they need to. Bad bathrooms hurt the reputation of any business and impacts how someone views the company. Investing in a commercial bathroom remodeling project can remedy these issues.

In general, it is embarrassing for employees and disappointing for customers to have an old, run down, dirty bathroom. A full remodel can fix any issue at a commercial bathroom, including pitted countertops, cracked tiles, dim lighting, stains, smells and poor plumbing. Give your employees and potential customers a nice, comfortable and clean bathroom. No matter how old the building is, a remodeled bathroom will transform the space. And if you make green choices for the bathroom, you will have employees and customers who respect your values.

Improve Team Morale

If you are a business owner, you have employees. And those employees use the bathroom on a daily basis. So, if they are used to an old, rundown bathroom, then upgrading to a clean and comfortable bathroom can improve the morale of your employees. And good morale can improve productivity and is good for your business.